Blonde Hookers!

As I make my way home from band practice every Saturday night, I pass in front of a house in Marsa which is well known for providing pleasures of the flesh to the hard-working men of the area. Now sitting on the doorstep of this house, are usually three or four of the women who, let us say ,'inhabit' the house in question.

Nothing unusual, one might say, after all, plying their trade in the traditional fashion is one of the oldest jobs ever available to mankind.

But one thing comes to my mind. Why is it that ALL of the assorted women who are on the doorstep are a frightening shade of pale blonde? There is a short one, a tall err...lady, a skinny one and a quite chubby one, who resembles my mother in age...but all unquestionably peroxide blonde.

What is it with hookers and blondes? This is a question that has me pondering mightily why it should be so. I can honestly say that I have not yet mustered the courage to stop and ask. Nor do I have any intention of doing so.

Be that as it may...there is a girl there who sometimes makes an appearance, and she is immensely beautiful, young and well-proportioned. But she sports jet-black hair.

Ah....must be the tea-lady then!


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