Decision time is now!

Election fever is gripping the island, and hopefully everyone has decided on which colour to splash out.

I say hopefully..because I have not decided yet.

Some pros and cons:

I have been into a website in which I have been amazed by the negative feedback left by so many people. It is unbelievable how these people leave such stupid comments.

I don't think that they are broke or barefoot, but simply see negativeness everywhere...deciding to neglect all the good that has really been built the past years.

Let us put colour aside and think about it for a while. It’s true not everything is heaven but the difference from the old labour days to the present hows and how.

Modern technology, schools, airport, hospitals, environment (more on that later), freedom of buying, freedom of speech, computers, internet, education and ... I won't be able to stop. The roads have long been the bane of our country. So let me tell you this. Start your journey from where I live in Tarxien, near Mintoff. Drive along the S.Lucia road, down to Qormi, up the bypass, to Zebbug, and the Mtarfa bypass, then all the way to Gozo...and if you find a pothole I'll buy you a beer!

People along the years chose PN for this change which we see till this present day. It’s black on white. Things can't be done by magic, they need sacrifices and support from all.

Now on the other hand PN have done some major damage. In my opinion, the environment has not yet been given the real attention it is due. Okay, there has been a huge improvement.. but there is still loads to be done.

1. Contractors... STOP THEIR PERMITS! How many houses are still empty in Malta? THOUSANDS. So...before some of these houses are sold, no permits will be issued.

2. Hunters/Trappers... For the sake of a little amount, the larger amount is precluded from enjoying the spring as it is meant to be. This has to stop. I wish they would break the law like they promised... spend some time behind bars, just like the FREE birds they ensnare.

3. JPO... everyone knows who he is no? For the almighty dollar I would never have imagined you would stoop so low! Shame on you. Off with your head matey!

Okay, now on to labour...which has not really had a decent majority since 1976..unbelievable but true. The only other majority was in the histori 96 elections when they were elected but unable to hold on to the post, despite having a 7000 majority. This was unfair as the amount should have given them two seats of advantage.

What's new with Labour? I am being honest now. Nothing new. Same old faces, doing the same old jobs, grabbing the same money from our pockets like the PN.

Sure, we might ge back the 5 days leave taken from our pocket by the blues. Sant also mentioned that the surcharge would be slashed to half....(I definitely recall him saying that it would be removed) we are down to half. Repeater classes..THEY ARE repeater classes...

Ok, now is the time to give somebody else a is the time to elect a third party to parliament.

Now is the time to go Green!

Think before you vote! Give green at least no.2


  1. Ma dan l-artiklu naqbel perfettament li ghandna nghatu l-greens il-vot taghna. Ghax fl-ambjent il-PN fallew bi kbir u l-MLP ma tantx hargu bi propsti tajbin. Greens no 1.

  2. Hi Grill,

    Qisu ma tantx hadu voti l-Greens.
    L-elezzjoni intrebhet bil-penalties din id-darba...imma l-greens baqaw reserves.
    Issa li Sant irrezenja l-labour jerga jara xaqq ta' dawl...sakemm ma jitlax xi Debono Grech minfloku !!!


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